Fica aqui o nosso exemplo de carta de reclamação com a raynair. Respondeu-nos à carta passados uns 5 dias. Fomos indemnizados por 250€ cada.
A indemnização foi legível pois tratou-se de um voo com um atraso superior a 3 horas, sem justificação.
Regulamento (CE) n.º 261/2004 -o Regulamento em Português
"We would like to complain about our late flight.
We had flight from Sofia to Athens, flight Fr6300 reservation number KMxxxx.
The flight must departed at 6:50 but the departed was at 12:05 in the same day. It was delayed more than 5h
we had appointment in athens that we couldn't attend.
Ryanair informed me by text 15 minutos before the departure time.
So, we wait more that 5 hours and about that we ask Ryanair a right compensation:
flight Fr6300 reservation number KMXXXX.
We are name and name
Bank name Banco xxx
Account holder xxxxx xxxxx
Acount number PT500xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Swift xxxVPTPL
Wait a answer from you, thank you"
Espero que tenhamos ajudado!
A indemnização foi legível pois tratou-se de um voo com um atraso superior a 3 horas, sem justificação.
Regulamento (CE) n.º 261/2004 -o Regulamento em Português
"We would like to complain about our late flight.
We had flight from Sofia to Athens, flight Fr6300 reservation number KMxxxx.
The flight must departed at 6:50 but the departed was at 12:05 in the same day. It was delayed more than 5h
we had appointment in athens that we couldn't attend.
Ryanair informed me by text 15 minutos before the departure time.
So, we wait more that 5 hours and about that we ask Ryanair a right compensation:
flight Fr6300 reservation number KMXXXX.
We are name and name
Bank name Banco xxx
Account holder xxxxx xxxxx
Acount number PT500xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Swift xxxVPTPL
Wait a answer from you, thank you"
Espero que tenhamos ajudado!